Flat Holm Island

Rich in wildlife – steeped in history

Flat Holm has a unique island character, with a sense of wilderness, remoteness and isolation, and extensive views from and across the island to the coasts of England and Wales. Less than half a mile wide, the tiny island is an intriguing hidden jewel in the Bristol Channel.

Flat Holm is designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest and Local Nature Reserve. The Flat Holm Project conserves the island’s natural and cultural features, from maritime grassland to Victorian barracks, from seabird colonies to wartime bunkers.

Flat Holm – A Walk Through Time

Visit art.flatholmisland.com where you are taken on a sensory voyage around the secluded elemental island realm through immersive binaural sound, film, poetry and an interactive 3D map.

art.flatholmisland.com is an artist’s interpretation of Flat Holm, commissioned by Cardiff Council as part of the ‘Flat Holm – A Walk Through Time‘ project. The project has been funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and runs from 2018 to 2025.

From 2021 to 2025, Flat Holm has been granted funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund to deliver this exciting project. The project has three main partners – Cardiff Council; the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds; and the Flat Holm Society, a charity that supports the island with voluntary assistance.

The project has three main aims:

  • Nature – we want to make sure that the island’s wildlife and habitats are looked after as well as possible
  • Heritage – we want to restore and maintain more of the island’s built heritage
  • People – we want to engage a larger and more diverse audience with the island and its stories, both on the island and on the mainland, and increase our online and digital engagement


We are running a varied programme of activities for individuals and groups, which you can find out more about by following us on social media.

You can discover more about the island and the project by watching the video below, or watching the full version of the film.

Social media

See also